Destiny is perceived as predetermined sequence of events where humans have no control, whereas freewill is perceived as giving that control to human to choose between options. In destiny he sees himself as a mere boat with no paddles, whereas in freewill he has the paddle to row anywhere he wishes. It is human nature that desires to be in control. The need for control arises due to the insecurity of the unknown and uncertainty. When everything is in control it gives a sense of security that life goes according to one's dream and the desired destination would be reached. It is this false hope that makes human less adventurous and more fearful. It makes him limited and makes him settle for less.
The key to understand whether it is destiny or freewill lies in how we think because our actions stem from thoughts. You don't foresee or plan a particular thought to occur. Thought happens by itself and you get to be aware of such a thought in your mind. Thousands of thoughts happen in your mind and it didn't wait for your permission before cropping up. This is randomness of thoughts occurring, it is not predestined but as it unfolds. Man hates to be puppet, but he has to realize no one is sitting above and controlling his life. There is no sadist out there but life blooms as it happens in the now. Just like a wind changes direction moment to moment so does your mind rattle with thoughts and the following actions.
In fact it is because of this randomness of destiny it appears 'as if'' there is freewill. It is the randomness of the thoughts, the decisions and the following actions that makes life uncertain, colorful and vibrant. If it had been freewill all human actions are predictable as he would only choose and do what he already knows and likes, which is going to be limited and stagnant. Just like a computer program that performs an action for a given set of conditions so would the human behavior be. He would be a glorified robot picking up actions that is already predetermined and programmed. It is destiny that alters this predestined behavior and gives an illusion of freewill.
It is destiny that you are reading this although you can claim that you made a choice to read it. It is destiny that makes you say aye or nay for destiny. Freewill is part and parcel of destiny.
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