
Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Illusion - A reality? Or an Illusion?

Is this world really an illusion? What is this illusion that spirituality talk about? Could it really be true that something is skipping the senses?

The whole world that you see, hear, smell, taste and touch are real. They are solid physical objects. It is not animated 3-D airy dream. The illusion is the label that your mind attaches to the seen, heard, smelt, tasted and touched. Our mind has a phenomenal knack of projecting and imagining more than what is.

Aham Brahmasmi says the Upanishads. It means "I am Brahman" the God himself. All awakened masters say that you are God. If you and me are God why are we not able to know that? Before we delve into that we need to figure if everything is really God.

Saying everything is God is so easy scientifically but what the heck the believers anyway Believe everything is God, so why bother to prove. Science says everything in this world is matter and energy. They can be converted from one form to another. That's what is Einstein's E=MC Square, where E is energy, M is matter and C is speed of light. Every material in this universe has this matter in the form of atoms or sub-atomic. Whether you talk about stones, trees, humans or stars they all have it.

Science calls this as matter and energy that are interchangeable  Belief calls it as the created and the creator that are non interchangeable. Spirituality calls both as the manifested consciousness.  Spirituality goes one further step to say all manifested consciousness comes from Nothing. This would baffle science and they in recent years coined the assumed force as dark energy.

When God is everything how can you be separate? How can the devil (if it exists) be separate? If everything is him then good, bad, ugly, beautiful, light, darkness, love and hatred are all God. Isn't it?

So what is making you and me feel we are separate individuals? What is making you think that you and God are separate? Well the question has the answer. Your thought makes you think that you are separate.

The illusion is in the thinking. When you dream in your sleep. The illusion is so real that you don't have a doubt about it even though all your five senses are not functioning. You live the dream. When you wake up the conscious mind can live the real physical world with the five senses. The change in conscious state doesn't alter the core behavior of the sixth sense that is to project. It can still create a bubble around it and live in that dream. This labeling and attaching makes the whole thing real and fun.

When you are enlightened you would still be in the illusion but only this time you would be aware of the pranks of your mind. You can see beyond the veils of Maya lay a very blissful unshaken self. That is you! That is God!

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